Lessons mostly involve matching words or phrases with images. Learning vocab and grammar with image-based lessons From there, I jumped into learning Spanish! I went with Basics & Beyond, and the program recommended I aim to practice for around 30 minutes a day, five times a week. Basics & Beyond: Everyday items, daily routine, colors, sizes, as well as formal and informal situations.Work: Politeness in a business setting, invitations, time, money, materials, and merchandise.Family: Family relationships, complements, special occasions, and general correspondence.Travel: Meeting people, dining out, staying in a hotel, directions, and locations.There are four options to choose from, and each one has specially-tailored lessons that focuses on relevant content: I tested out the online subscription via my laptop, and the first thing the app asked me to do was select a unique learning plan based on why I was using the tool. Starting out, I could say hello, goodbye, and count to 10, but that was it. To test out Rosetta Stone, I decided to try my hand at Latin American Spanish-I’m stuck at home, so what else do I have to do? In high school, I took several years of French ( le langage de l'amour!), so I’m a true beginner when it comes to Spanish. Your Rosetta Stone course will be broken up into a variety of sections.