This is the only race which has the skill "Gift of the Naaru", which enables the Draenei to heal a friendly target (or himself/herself) for a varied amount, depending on that Draenei's attack power. Draenei is usually pronounced "Drah-nei", or "Dray-nei". The Draenei are a race which come from the game World Of Warcraft. The Draenei are the first of the Alliance that can practice shamanism, although that this practice is often reputed by the other races (save for the Night-Elves and Gnomes, who haven't indicated a particular view). The races available to Draenei are: Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, Mage, Hunter, and Priest. Many years prior to their purging from Draenor, the Naaru made a pact with the Draenei to unite them with the many enlightened races of the universe to form the Army of Light, which would bring down the Legion and all related darkness. The Draenei race is an enlightened one- like the many generations of Humans, High-Elves, etc., a major focus of theirs is the Holy Light and, as a newer concept, the Naaru (which is a race of god-like entities that supposedly create the Light).

In no time, they became a new part of it, and began taking steps to re-establish their civilization and combat the Legion. This planet was earth, and with a crash-landing on the Kalimadorian Azuremyst Isle, they quicky settled and sought relations with the Alliance. In a desperate attempt to survive and combat the Legion, they took control of a portion of the Tempest Keep, using it as a spacecraft to settle on another new planet. In the lore, they were purged from their homeworld of Draenor by the Burning Legion, and again from Outlands by the orcs (once their allies) that eventually became corrupt by fel magics of the Legion. A playable Alliance race added to World of Warcraft with the release of the Burning Crusade expansion pack.