You cannot have six products on one page, five on another, and three on another. For example, if you have a Target Document with places for six products, the Merged Document will have six products per page. InDesign Data Merge does not do conditional record numbering.If there is a field in the Target Document and the Data Source has data for that field, the Merged Document will contain that data. For example, if you have different product families, you may want to include a certain field for one category but not for another. InDesign Data Merge does not do conditional content.You would like InDesign to look up the collection name and, based on this information, change the color. For example, if you have different product collections, you may want product names to be blue for collection A, red for collection B, and orange for collection C. InDesign Data Merge does not do conditional formatting.Some limitations you should keep in mind are: Do keep in mind that InDesing Data Merge has some limitations that make it unsuitable for some publishing jobs.

#Indesign data merge options professional
Using Best InDesign Templates professional Target Document templates you can create fast, flexible data-driven layouts. It contains any text and images that you placed into the Target Document, and records populated from the Data Source. The publication itself is called the Merged Document. The Data Source can be in either a comma-delimited (.csv) or a tab-delimited (.txt) file format. The file storing all the data for your publication is called the Data Source. The InDesign document that contains all the data-field placeholders is called the Target Document.

InDesign Data Merge enables you to create an InDesign document that contains data-field placeholders, and then automatically populate another document from a file containing all the data. InDesign’s built-in Data Merge feature is an extremely useful solution for creating product catalogues, letters, envelopes, business cards, mailing labels, coupons, ads, or any other data publishing jobs.